ESEP Research Unit

UNIESEP is a ESEP research unit, established in 2007. It was designed as a research development project for nursing, health and other complementary areas of expertise.
The Unit goals are essentially two:
- Leverage knowledge on nursing;
- Enhance development of educational activities and nursing interventions.
- To propose guidelines for the research unit concerning research, training and similar fields, taking into account ESEP’s mission and goals;
- To develop, guide, support and engage in scientific research projects in its field of studies;
- To spread scientific knowledge to the community and other public or private entities/institutions;
- To promote acknowledgement and support to research projects by national and/or foreign entities;
- To cooperate with other national, foreign or international research units;
- To support Ph.D and Master’s studies, as well as other projects developed within the disciplinary and transdisciplinary scope;
- To provide consultancy and research services;
To celebrate protocols aiming cooperation with health careers and teaching institutions, or other organizations engaged specifically in the development of nursing and in social and human sciences in general.
UNIESEP programmes and projects, are grounded on an objectives-oriented plan. It fosters R&D human resources advanced training, via the participation of researchers in scientific research projects within the diverse theme areas under development. The Unit is structured in Scientific-Pedagogical Units (SPU). SPUs are scientific and pedagogical in nature, established by the Scientific Council and encompass course units, research projects and members researchers.